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1 Replies and 1115 Views and 0 Subscribers Multilanguage issue!  1115  1  0 Started by  Scippy I'm working on multilanguage web site. I've found some problem about localization, when I'm in Product Viewer I'm able to swith between my enabled languages and the url is fine with the right localized page name inside. The problem is when I'm into Category Viewer, when I'm in default language the urls are right (es. http://www.test.it/it-it/HotcakesStore/Product-Viewer/brown-fedora) but when I change language the url's generated are bad (es. http://www.test.it/en-us/tabid/0/slug/brown-fedora/...
1 1115 0
by  ScippyJump to last post
11/24/2017 1:59 PM
1 Replies and 1017 Views and 0 Subscribers Product Viewer redirect to Home page  1017  1  0 Started by  Scippy Hi, I've installed HK 3.0.1 and setup the shop and products with demo wizard but when I click over a product in the Category Viewer Page I'm redirected on Home page. When I'm over a product I can see the right link (es. http://www.test.it/HotcakesStore/Product-Viewer/brown-fedora) but the Product Viewer page redirect to home. Is it an issue or what Thanks!
1 1017 0
by  ScippyJump to last post
11/24/2017 1:51 PM
26 Replies and 7292 Views and 1 Subscribers Release of Hotcakes V 3.0.1 Timeframe  7292  26  1 Started by  MooreCreative
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I know that several of us are stuck in a limbo situation where we have older versions of D N N and yet still need to upgrade HotCakes to a newer version, or the newest 3x version. In the recent announcement on 7/19, it was mentioned that a HotCakes 3x Open Source - Module Package would be coming soon and might be released soon with the HC 3.0.1 release. It was implied that might be soon and I imagined the first or second week of August, but looking back, I didn't see where I got that date ...
26 7292 1
by  Shaun WalkerJump to last post
11/2/2017 5:38 PM
0 Replies and 836 Views and 0 Subscribers Are there new Debug Symbols for HCC 3.x ?  836  0  0 Started by  MooreCreative Each time I download a new version of Hotcakes, I download and share with my developers the newest version of the DebugSymbols zip file. Does Hotcakes 3.0.1 have a new Debug Symbols file or is the latest 'HotcakesCommerce_02.00.08_DebugSymbols.zip' still current
0 836 0
10/31/2017 4:34 PM
9 Replies and 3003 Views and 1 Subscribers Install v3 as a module to existing site  3003  9  1 Started by  Pure Systems
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
Hi, we'd be interested in knowing how to install just the HC v3 module to an existing DNN website. The v3 download seems to be a complete DNN install so we found the HCv3 module installer and installed it on an existing site but we seeing MVC errors on pages where we're setting a default view. Did you want us to provide the error details or is this a known issue
9 3003 1
by  MooreCreativeJump to last post
8/17/2017 6:11 PM
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