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8 Replies and 3344 Views and 3 Subscribers Open Source HCC  3344  8  3 Started by  Lee Hinman
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A. Tried to install extension on a DNN site from HCC_Platform_03.00.00_Install has msg 'Zip File Upload Failed' B. Tried the unzip as a CMS site & get msg 'This is embarrassing! It looks like you caught us in the middle of applying some updates. We'll be done soon. Please come Back in a few minutes.' C. DesktopModules\Hotcakes\Core\Install is only xml file NOT an installable extension. D. Readme.txt is only DNN info
8 3344 3
by  Matt RutledgeJump to last post
6/14/2017 5:06 PM
6 Replies and 2715 Views and 2 Subscribers Default account  2715  6  2 Started by  Marnix Bouwman
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Hi there, just downloaded the HCC_Platform_03.00.00_install.zip and installed it. So.... 1.) it said: &91;size=1&93;&91;color=green&93;00:03:36.631 - Creating Site: My E-Commerce CMS 00:04:43.994 - Error! Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at DotNetNuke.Services.Upgrade.Upgrade.AddPortal(XmlNode node, Boolean status, Int32 indent) 00:04:44.017 - Site failed to install:Error! Installation Complete&91;/color&93;&91;/size&93; But it still seems to be workin...
6 2715 2
by  Will StrohlJump to last post
6/9/2017 5:54 PM
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