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5 Replies and 3465 Views and 0 Subscribers HC 3.0.1 upgraded to HC 3.1.0  3465  5  0 Started by  Scippy
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After upgrade HC 3.0.1 to HC 3.1.0 module package the button “Add to Cart” in product details view is dissappeared. Any idea to fix it
5 3465 0
by  ScippyJump to last post
3/15/2018 10:23 AM
2 Replies and 1258 Views and 0 Subscribers What is the best (official) place to download installer/upgrade zips  1258  2  0 Started by  MooreCreative There's been transition from being a traditional corporate paid solution where the best/only place to download Hotcakes was through the Hotcakes website. In that location, previously, you could download the - New Install (module solution) versions 1x-2x - Upgrade (module solution) versions 1x-2x Then, more recently, you could also download from this location - New Install Package (full cms solution) version 3, 3.0.1 'Hotcakes_03.00.01_CMS_Install.zip' - Upgrade Package (full cms soluti...
2 1258 0
by  ScippyJump to last post
2/27/2018 10:58 AM
3 Replies and 1395 Views and 1 Subscribers My experience: is Hotcakes 3 Compatible with Dot Net Nuke 9.1?  1395  3  1 Started by  Kurt The single most important question for everyone is, especially after the security releases: is Hotcakes 3 Compatible with Dot Net Nuke 9.1 My experience When installing Hotcakes 3 on Dot Net Nuke 9.1 it works well. Can someone confirm this (especially Will and his team / partners) Will, can I use Hotcakes 3 is a live Dot Net Nuke 9.1 install
3 1395 1
by  Will StrohlJump to last post
2/8/2018 5:49 PM
7 Replies and 2683 Views and 1 Subscribers Upgrading from Hotcakes 1x or 2x to Hotcakes 3x (Module Version)  2683  7  1 Started by  MooreCreative
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As of late Fall 2017, we had two available paths to take for Hotcakes 3.0.1 &91;b&93;&91;list&93;&91;*&93;Path A - Full CMS Hotcakes 3x &91;*&93;Path B - Module Version New install Hotcakes 3.0.1&91;/list&93;&91;/b&93; In order to upgrade an older Hotcakes instance of perhaps Hotcakes 1.10 or Hotcakes 2.0.8 the direction isn't exactly clear... at least by the names of the files. ---- &91;b&93;Path A - Transitioning to Hotcakes CMS (full cms version)&91;/b&93; We could p...
7 2683 1
by  Accuraty / JeremyJump to last post
1/16/2018 5:36 PM
1 Replies and 1032 Views and 0 Subscribers difference between DNN8 with Hotcakes modules and Hotcakes installation?  1032  1  0 Started by  Scippy There is any difference between installing DNN 8.0.4 and Hotcakes 3.0.1 modules package or Hotcakes 3.0.1 installation packeges
1 1032 0
by  MooreCreativeJump to last post
12/30/2017 6:21 PM
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