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2 Replies and 1339 Views and 1 Subscribers Need Help Testing in Azure  1339  2  1 Started by  Will Strohl Do any of you have an active Azure environment We always run the releases through the EVS tool, but I'm looking for someone to lightly test the 3.0.1 RC package. I'm mostly looking for you to test installation, upgrade, and placing/processing an order. Please let me know if you can do this, and if you have availability to do it by/before Monday.
2 1339 1
by  Will StrohlJump to last post
9/4/2017 6:30 PM
2 Replies and 1467 Views and 0 Subscribers HCC3 with Platform9.1.1  1467  2  0 Started by  Kurt Dear Shuan, Will, Community, I am testing, on my local machine, HCC3 on Platform9.1.1. In the beginning it was a challange, especially with the heavilly broken controlbar/panel. But afterswitching to the new, version 9, controlbar - personabar - everything worked fine. So, therefore I decided to test it in a production environment. So, I ask everybody who has a test case or an issue, he or she can list them here and I will give after testing some feedback. Also, I am waiting for Shuan's...
2 1467 0
by  AdrianJump to last post
7/26/2017 11:58 AM
12 Replies and 3861 Views and 1 Subscribers Clone , Commit and Develope HCC Core  3861  12  1 Started by  moslem
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we know that hcc using github for source control , I have Forked from HCC git in my account and now i have Cloned Version in local (visual studio), all solution are cloned and added to my solution such as hotcake.sln . The Problems : 1- when i open it want to build the solution it doesn't build and some error occurred ( all missed package restored via nuget) &91;quote&93;Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error CS0234 The type or namespace name 'Html' does no...
12 3861 1
by  Will StrohlJump to last post
7/25/2017 11:45 AM
13 Replies and 4427 Views and 2 Subscribers Upgrade HotcakesCMS 8.0.3 to 9.1.1  4427  13  2 Started by  Kurt
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I really love Hotcakes and would love to contribute to a full upgrade to the recently released (6/7/2017, EU) Dot Net Nuke 9.1.1. Personally, after investigation, I think it's a trivial task, well almost.
13 4427 2
by  Will StrohlJump to last post
7/18/2017 6:38 PM
0 Replies and 926 Views and 0 Subscribers Hide PayPal Express from Cart view if not logged in  926  0  0 Started by  Adam Bernstein Is there a way to hide PayPal Express from the Cart view if the user is not logged in In Views/Cart/Index.cshtml, I see: &91;code=csharp&93;if (Model.PayPalExpressAvailable) { &91;PayPal Express button gets added here&93; } &91;/code&93; However, is there anything I can add to the logic to check for logged in status I don't see anything in CartViewModel. Or is there another way to achieve this FYI, the reason for hiding it is that if the non-registered user purchases via...
0 926 0
7/13/2017 1:59 PM
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