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2 Replies and 1334 Views and 1 Subscribers Shared Choice Text Input Field BUG?  1334  2  1 Started by  10 Pound Gorilla: Dustin It seems if you set a max length on a text input field in a choice for a product you end up with a json error and the product will not add to the cart if there is anything input into the field by the user. Can you confirm if in fact this is a bug. Dustin
2 1334 1
by  JamesJump to last post
4/11/2023 12:04 PM
3 Replies and 932 Views and 1 Subscribers Breadcrumbs / Category Name When Product is in Multiple Categories  932  3  1 Started by  Will Strohl Hi Folks, We have a customer who has multiple top-level categories (e.g. 'Apparel / Pants' and 'Collections / Chill'). When we add a product to multiple child categories, the breadcrumb and category name on the Product Detail page always shows 'Collections / Chill' rather than the desired 'Apparel / Pants'. The product categories are manually sorted and the top-level 'Apparel' category appears first, yet only the second top-level tree is shown. This is what is returned from the Hotcakes.Mo...
3 932 1
by  Phil PerlmanJump to last post
12/8/2021 5:51 PM
9 Replies and 3518 Views and 1 Subscribers Image Processing Module  3518  9  1 Started by  MooreCreative
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Will Strohl made a great start for a more robust module for Hotcakes to process images for import https://github.com/HotcakesCommerce/ProcessImagesModule We have a need for this image processor to prepare image sizes, etc for multiple images for a product beyond the 'main image' for that product. We will post notes and updates here if we get into it as an enhancement.
9 3518 1
by  Will StrohlJump to last post
1/21/2021 5:35 PM
6 Replies and 2676 Views and 1 Subscribers Product Images - Red Dot  2676  6  1 Started by  BrentW
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I have added images to products and the file uploader seems to add a red pixel into the image in the bottom right hand corner &91;img=http://www.miron-frameless-glass-design.co.za/Portals/117/Red pixel on images uploaded.jpgver=2020-05-25-091601-350&93;red pixel&91;/img&93; &91;img=http://www.miron-frameless-glass-design.co.za/Portals/117/Red pixel on images uploaded2.jpgver=2020-05-25-091601-350&93;red pixel&91;/img&93;
6 2676 1
by  Will StrohlJump to last post
6/9/2020 2:23 PM
6 Replies and 3129 Views and 1 Subscribers Product Import - Images  3129  6  1 Started by  Dorian
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Hi! I was following the instructions for importing products using the Excel spreadsheet. Everything imported just fine expect for the images for the products. I have the file names in the spreadsheet and I placed the images in the \Portals\{PortalID}\Hotcakes\Data\import\ folder on the server (all images in that folder). But when doing the import or an update of the products it did not pickup and use the images. Products show up in the Product list but the images are not there. Shows the...
6 3129 1
by  Will StrohlJump to last post
5/12/2020 12:12 PM
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