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6 Replies and 2105 Views and 1 Subscribers Shipping Zones Show Prohibited Areas  2105  6  1 Started by  Not Rocket Science
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
Hello, We have our shipping zones set to ONLY 48 U.S. states. However, people are able to select other places in check out, such as the Armed Forces areas (highlighted in the screen shot) and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Is there a fix We are using version 1.10.4 Screenshot: &91;img&93;http://tinypic.com/r/2n8c6kg/9&91;/img&93;
6 2105 1
by  Will StrohlJump to last post
12/19/2017 6:58 PM
2 Replies and 1702 Views and 1 Subscribers Changing Shipping Message To Be Determined. Contact Store for Details  1702  2  1 Started by  MooreCreative Currently, when using FedEx for shipping provider, if a user's shipping address isn't correct or isn't found by Fed Ex, instead of displaying an order-stopping message, the user is allowed to continue forward placing an order in which shipping will be calculated by the store later and added onto the order. It displays a message of 'Shipping/Handling: To Be Determined. Contact Store for Details' This is causing problems for one of our clients when it is missed by either the customer or the ...
2 1702 1
by  MooreCreativeJump to last post
11/29/2017 12:21 AM
2 Replies and 1292 Views and 1 Subscribers How to set flat shipping costs based on product size and country  1292  2  1 Started by  Jordan King Hello, I have a client who wants to charge shipping based on the size of the product being sold and the country the product is being sold to. For example: Product Size (in) -----Shipping Flat Cost ------Region 2x12x36 --------------- $40.00 ------------------- Canada 2x12x36 --------------- $60.00 ------------------- US 2x24x60 --------------- $55.00 ------------------- Canada 2x24x60 --------------- $90.00 ------------------- US So the shipping cost would be calculated based...
2 1292 1
by  Will StrohlJump to last post
11/14/2017 10:36 PM
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