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1 Replies and 915 Views and 1 Subscribers Option for 3 month payment plan  915  1  1 Started by  Paras Daryanani Is there a way to let users pay the partial price of a product in X number of instalments I would like to have a '3 month payment plan' option beside the default one-time payment.
1 915 1
by  Will StrohlJump to last post
3/13/2018 7:21 PM
13 Replies and 4864 Views and 1 Subscribers Ogone/Ingenico payment method SHA-IN/SHA-OUT  4864  13  1 Started by  Aranka
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Hello, We are testing Ideal payment with Ogone/Ingenico as Third party payment method. We are getting an error when trying to simulate a succesful payment. It says: &91;b&93;SHA signature does not match. Please contact the store owner directly to complete your order. &91;/b&93; In the Log we see that 2 messages appear: &91;b&93;Third Party Payment Method Checkout Failed&91;/b&93; &91;b&93;Page load exception:&91;/b&93; Server cannot append header after HTTP headers have b...
13 4864 1
by  Will StrohlJump to last post
2/8/2018 5:28 PM
13 Replies and 4163 Views and 1 Subscribers New payment gateway/method  4163  13  1 Started by  Geoff Barlow
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Hi all, I'm in the middle of looking into create a new payment gateway/method which is not a standard payment system and I'm looking for some advice.... The payment server offers many types of payment options in 1 solution: - Sofort - PayPal - Mistercash - iDeal --- bank 1 --- bank 2 --- bank 3 --- etc. The payment provider supplies a list of payment options that are active for the account holder via json All options can be built up and displayed on the checkout page. This...
13 4163 1
by  KurtJump to last post
1/25/2018 1:53 PM
1 Replies and 1252 Views and 0 Subscribers Payment Gateway status & sending emails  1252  1  0 Started by  Geoff Barlow Hello all, In a payment method and all examples I have noticed that when a user places an order, in the payment method it can be set to either a successful payment or failed. Is there a way to set the HCC order status as 'Paid', 'Open' or 'pending' etc. Another question is about emails.... When a user has paid, is there a confirmation email sent to the user automatically and is there an email sent to the store owner notifying them of an order placement. How do I accomplish this if ...
1 1252 0
by  Geoff BarlowJump to last post
10/24/2017 7:04 AM
11 Replies and 3453 Views and 1 Subscribers Credit based payment  3453  11  1 Started by  mintblau media
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Does someone have any tips/hints on using Hotcakes with credit based payments So buying credits first, then buying digital goods with credits. Alternatively users should be able to buy memberships instead of credits. A membership a includes a certain amount of credits for set period of time. More or less like http://www.istockphoto.com/plans-and-pricing Thanks
11 3453 1
by  Will StrohlJump to last post
8/4/2017 2:03 PM
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