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1 Replies and 899 Views and 1 Subscribers Having issues on post backs from payment processor with custom payment method  899  1  1 Started by  Alex Pommier Hello, Below is some odd behavior I’ve been running into while developing a Custom Payment Method following the scaffolding described here (https://hotcakescommerce.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/204725899-Custom-Payment-Method-Example). In a nutshell the payment processor that I am integrating with works similar to the way a Paypal redirect payment would. The user clicks the “Place Order” button and is redirected to the payment processor where they make the payment and then are redirected b...
1 899 1
by  Will StrohlJump to last post
9/22/2020 2:53 PM
1 Replies and 907 Views and 1 Subscribers Payment Gateway Integration Help/Suggestions  907  1  1 Started by  Rashid Good afternoon everyone, I am working on a project which is using HotCakes and PayZen by OSB. For the project I will be utilizing a redirect functionality similar to the way Paypal can operate. When the user checkouts they will be redirected to the payment gatway’s url and will enter their credit card information there. Upon successful authorization they will be redirected back to the client’s webpage which displays the success message and all of the other related details regarding their orde...
1 907 1
by  Will StrohlJump to last post
9/14/2020 2:15 PM
3 Replies and 1247 Views and 1 Subscribers How to add fee to Cash on Delivery payment  1247  3  1 Started by  Scippy Usually when you buy with the payment option 'Cash on Delivery' additional cost is added to the order total price, but I can't find where to set it on hotcakes. This should be possible with any payment method. The commissions are never the same for all payment methods and it should be able to set customized commissions for each payment method. Can someone help me to set it it is a simple and basic option present in all ecommerce solutions and it shouldn't be difficult to do. ThankYou!
3 1247 1
by  ScippyJump to last post
5/21/2020 1:26 PM
3 Replies and 1185 Views and 1 Subscribers Fast Paypal Checkout button don't apply Shipping fees  1185  3  1 Started by  Scippy In my checkout process at the first step, before the second checkout step to enter name and address, if I proceed with fast Paypal payment I'm redirected to Paypal without shipping fees added to the product. &91;url=;Checkout process step 1&91;/url&93; &91;img=;Checkout Process 1&93;Checkout process step 1&91;/img&93; To proceed to Paypal Payment with the right price amount I need ...
3 1185 1
by  Will StrohlJump to last post
5/18/2020 9:18 PM
1 Replies and 1068 Views and 1 Subscribers Paypal Express Payment Charge Failed. :: 10486 yet order status is received and emails sent  1068  1  1 Started by  Bryan When looking at order details we are seeing under the heading Private Notes we see the following example: 4/10/2020 Paypal Order Accepted With Paypal Order Number: EC-6YD612115C630905A and then the standard work flow take place, including the sending of emails to customers and store owner indicating a successful transaction. If we look under transactions we see that the message returned from PayPal was: $83.98 - PayPal Charge 4/10/2020 3:53:37 PM FAILED :: - Paypal Express Paymen...
1 1068 1
by  Will StrohlJump to last post
4/16/2020 7:05 PM
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