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0 Replies and 929 Views and 0 Subscribers Request a Quote  929  0  0 Started by  10 Pound Gorilla: Dustin Anyway to make certain products not available for purchase but more a request a quote. I know i could make a new template and redirect the user to a non-hotcakes form for those products, but could we use the checkout within hotcakes, even if the dollar value was 0, and have it say request a quote for those items rather than the $0.00 price
0 929 0
3/27/2018 12:12 PM
1 Replies and 1204 Views and 1 Subscribers Software downloads and license managment  1204  1  1 Started by  BrentW I would like to use Hotcakes to provide a shop for software downloads and it should be able to manage the licensing for the users. Does Hotcakes have this capacity at present
1 1204 1
by  Will StrohlJump to last post
3/25/2018 3:55 PM
9 Replies and 2925 Views and 1 Subscribers display adjusted price next to choice  2925  9  1 Started by  gnossos p
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
I have product choices and they price adjusts properly when selected. However there is no display on products details page, just the initial price. Can the adjusted prices be displayed next to product choices before selection thanks
9 2925 1
by  Will StrohlJump to last post
3/1/2018 6:34 PM
6 Replies and 2424 Views and 1 Subscribers hide quantity for product  2424  6  1 Started by  Jordan King
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Hello, I have a client who wants to have the quantity hidden in the product details. The reason is my client only provide one of a kind artwork and never prints or anything similar. My client's customers have asked why there is a quantity available and if that means what they are buying is not one of a kind. I can see the following property for the product object: &91;b&93;Hotcakes.Commerce.Catalog.Product&91;/b&93; public bool &91;h&93;HideQty &91;/h&93;{ get; set; } and I ...
6 2424 1
by  Will StrohlJump to last post
2/22/2018 8:08 PM
1 Replies and 1178 Views and 1 Subscribers Catalog for magazines  1178  1  1 Started by  Francisco Pérez Andrés Hi, We’re thinking about implementing our online store for selling magazines on Hotcakes, and we have some key questions: 1. Magazines will be sold as downloadable PDF (customer just pays, inputs name & email and downloads file) or as paper copy (customer inputs postal address and also gets downloadable PDF). Do we have to set two different products (one of them with non-shipping option, the other with shipping) or we can use just one product with paper & digital variants 2. Magazines will...
1 1178 1
by  Will StrohlJump to last post
2/8/2018 5:33 PM
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