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0 Replies and 843 Views and 0 Subscribers From where i can add product template  843  0  0 Started by  3ART Technologies Hi, I want to add a new product template, can anyone help me from where I can add a new template I don't want to make custom module, I think the product template can fulfil my requirements. Regards
0 843 0
5/10/2020 3:01 PM
2 Replies and 989 Views and 0 Subscribers Product image is taking language url  989  2  0 Started by  3ART Technologies Once I have to upload an image form cp it does not display anywhere. The reason is the product is taking en-us or ar-SA in the image URL display below. http://websiteurl/en-us/Portals/0/Hotcakes/Data/products/d1afe795-6aea-4a78-a308-fcf58ae2966d/small/small.png This is not happening in my local environment any idea why it's behaving like that
2 989 0
by  3ART TechnologiesJump to last post
5/9/2020 2:56 PM
3 Replies and 1565 Views and 2 Subscribers Unable to add product to cart with prize zero  1565  3  2 Started by  sumanb I have a scenario like, i need to supply price to user to purchase the product. So i used 'Allow User Supplied Price' feature and i can manage it perfectly. But when zero price set to user it is not allowing to add to cart. It shows an error message like 'Price contains invalid value.' please suggest.
3 1565 2
by  Will Strohl (install acct)Jump to last post
2/18/2020 5:09 PM
1 Replies and 1352 Views and 1 Subscribers Which function read the add to cart items  1352  1  1 Started by  3ART Technologies Dear All, Can any one tell me which function is for getting the list of cart or Line items details Regards
1 1352 1
by  Will StrohlJump to last post
7/25/2019 2:02 PM
3 Replies and 1811 Views and 1 Subscribers Product Variants - Unable to Add  1811  3  1 Started by  BrentW After adding a product and then adding a product choice I was unable to add a product variant as per the image below: &91;img=https://www.besecureonline.co.uk/Portals/0/Choice-Variants.jpgver=2018-07-19-213452-890&93;Choice Variant page&91;/img&93; The dropdown is unavailable
3 1811 1
by  Will StrohlJump to last post
8/13/2018 1:28 PM
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