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3 Replies and 1468 Views and 1 Subscribers Alt Img missing HTTPS  1468  3  1 Started by  Donald Johansson Hey, I just launched a new site with Hotcakes and saw that the page with the product details did not load as secure. I checked the code, and it appears the additional images loads with the http:// prefix instead of https. Has anyone else noticed this I checked out a few sites in the showcase and saw the same thing on those, so I don't think it's a problem with my customization. This appears to affect any value that is populated using altImg. Does anyone have any suggestion where to go to...
3 1468 1
by  Will StrohlJump to last post
10/22/2019 2:17 PM
2 Replies and 1312 Views and 1 Subscribers How to Export Customers  1312  2  1 Started by  Jeremy Farrance (Accuraty) I need to do some exports for a marketing company from HCC of all the Customers. Can you tell me where the info is stored Where does HCC actually store the Addresses when you (or the user) Saves the billing or shipping address in the Address Book So far I have found the data in the Orders in XML and also in the UserProfile in JSON. Neither place has all 2600 records, so I am assuming it is somewhere else that I have not looked
2 1312 1
by  Will StrohlJump to last post
9/10/2019 1:12 PM
5 Replies and 2550 Views and 1 Subscribers Bug: Be careful when deleting product type property values  2550  5  1 Started by  Reto Cossalter
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
Just a quick heads up: If you delete a product type property value make sure beforehand if this value is assigned to a product, otherwise you could run into problems: https://github.com/HotcakesCommerce/hotcakes-commerce-core/issues/187
5 2550 1
by  Will StrohlJump to last post
2/11/2019 3:14 PM
0 Replies and 908 Views and 0 Subscribers After Payment redirects to empty cart.  908  0  0 Started by  Dorian Kunzler We are close to going live with a site but have an issue from a customer use perspective. They have no problems adding items to the cart and going to checkout and making payments. The confusion comes in after they submit their payment information for processing. They end up on a mostly blank page with the message - 'Your cart is empty!' on it. People that I have had testing out the process get confused and are unsure if their order was placed successfully. I have checked the cart settings...
0 908 0
11/27/2018 6:56 AM
1 Replies and 1292 Views and 1 Subscribers poor text Editor for administrator  1292  1  1 Started by  moslem pasokh when an administrator wants to add new products, text-editor for Product description is not good. it is possible to change editor via `hotcake.config` but they are not as powerful as dnn Editor, and also not inheritance dnn editor configuration. it is better to have an options => dnn Editor . and via dnn select appropriate editor.
1 1292 1
by  Will StrohlJump to last post
11/14/2018 3:41 PM
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