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Last Post 11/27/2018 6:56 AM by  Dorian Kunzler
After Payment redirects to empty cart.
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11/27/2018 6:56 AM
    We are close to going live with a site but have an issue from a customer use perspective. They have no problems adding items to the cart and going to checkout and making payments. The confusion comes in after they submit their payment information for processing. They end up on a mostly blank page with the message - "Your cart is empty!" on it. People that I have had testing out the process get confused and are unsure if their order was placed successfully.

    I have checked the cart settings and I do have the cart set to direct to the appropriate Successful order page, but that page is not the one that they end up on. Any ideas on getting the correct page/view to display?

    DNN 9.2.2
    HCC 3.2.1
    Payment Processing: Paypal Express


    - Dorian
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