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0 Replies and 762 Views and 0 Subscribers Which function return store currency  762  0  0 Started by  3ART Technologies Hi, I want to load the currency use for the store, which class and method is returning it (like $, SAR) Regeards
0 762 0
5/12/2020 7:40 PM
1 Replies and 1036 Views and 1 Subscribers Search filter for Bookable products  1036  1  1 Started by  IamDonna Hello Everyone! How to enable availability search and filter for bookable products i.e Yoga Classes. So, my customers can search, via dates, exact matches, keywords and book appointments accordingly. There is a booking filter plugin on woocommerce of offers the same functionality. So, is there any module that offers the same functionalities Thanks
1 1036 1
by  Will StrohlJump to last post
3/23/2020 5:03 PM
1 Replies and 999 Views and 0 Subscribers How to display cart list under my custom module  999  1  0 Started by  3ART Technologies Dear All, Can any one tell me which function is for getting the list of cart or Line items details Regards
1 999 0
by  3ART TechnologiesJump to last post
7/13/2019 12:56 PM
4 Replies and 2471 Views and 1 Subscribers How to update an exisiting Hotcake Modules  2471  4  1 Started by  Rashid Bilgrami Dear All, I am an expert in DNN skin designing, Module development & configuration. I have done the installation of HOTCAKE but I need to know if I need to do the enhancement in existing module like check out page where can i find the source code for this module. Generally, Each project has the stand-alone project file that I did not find it anywhere. If you please inform me from where I can get the source file it will be great
4 2471 1
by  MooreCreativeJump to last post
7/5/2018 1:33 PM
0 Replies and 1293 Views and 0 Subscribers Custom CMS Modules  1293  0  0 Started by  Adrian Occasionally you may want to customize your user experience in between the shopping experience. While the customer facing views are written in MVC/Razor for HCC, this tech is somewhat new within the CMS. I do encourage you to learn it, and perhaps leverage some of your own concepts, but you still have the option of building a webform module and consuming the HCC libraries server side. For those of you curious, take a peek here on how to build custom modules. &91;url=https://tinyurl.com/y...
0 1293 0
7/27/2017 2:22 AM
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