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Last Post 10/5/2022 4:26 PM by  Green
Suppress dollar sign
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10/5/2022 4:26 PM
[quote=Green;1714]Hi Will.

Yes, I will still use the checkout. I have an external process updating the points table in hcc. For the point setting I have it set to 1 point = 1 dollar. Items are added based on a point value so when they check out they would use their points to drive the balance due to zero. Here is the kicker though. Currently, there is no shipping but we may in the future, enable vendors to drop ship which will generate a shipping charge and potentially tax. We may need to hire you for that scenario :)[/quote]

Update - So this will require the need to use points to drive the subtotal to 0 and a credit card to pay for tax and shipping. So a dollar sign on these 2 fields will be necessary but not a show stopper if not done right away.

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