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Last Post 12/7/2021 4:29 PM by  Will Strohl
NotifyUrl On Payment Gateway
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New Member

12/1/2021 1:02 PM
    Working on payment gateway kind of Credit Loan section based on input and bank response after certain day to redirectUrl with some parameter.
    Since we have Context Object and redirect page " .. /thirdpartypayment/mid/223/... ". When request comes to that page context object null and getting object reference on thirdpartypayment Route.

    Work around:

    1. Do we have any Url Setup to make it Notify URL with custom parameter in query string?
    2. Any Other Redirect/Page setup we have to do that will do the job.

    Appreciate a quick around help on that.

    Veteran Member

    12/6/2021 7:26 PM
    We wouldn't be able to tell you why the response object is null. You'll need to first consult the payment provider and their API integration to determine that. It may take quite a bit of trial and error with their support team to figure out the cause. This may include changing settings that are available, making hard-coded things a setting, changes in their configuration, etc.
    Will Strohl, Upendo Ventures Hotcakes Cloud | Get Support | Code Support Official Cloud & Support provider for Hotcakes

    Veteran Member

    12/7/2021 4:29 PM
    By the way, this article may be helpful to you as well.

    Will Strohl, Upendo Ventures Hotcakes Cloud | Get Support | Code Support Official Cloud & Support provider for Hotcakes
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