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Last Post 10/8/2018 12:36 PM by  Will Strohl
cart nor working
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New Member

8/31/2018 12:27 PM
    When we have the shopping cart loaded and click the link on the minishopping cart it gives an ""security error" I have contacted paypal and have verified that their application functions correctly. They point me back to the shopping cart and I have checked and double check all specs.

    Basic Member

    9/6/2018 1:57 AM
    Hi Ty
    Are you using the HotCakes Mini Cart Module?
    This Module does nothing with PayPal. Klicking the link redirects you to the checkout cart.
    So it does not make sense to put this module on the checkout shopping cart page.

    Have you more information on your setup and maybe a error message from event log?

    New Member

    9/6/2018 3:23 AM

    Hello Reto;
    This is what appears in the admin event log;

    09/05/2018 19:30:30
    Module Load Exception
    Harmonic Energetics, LLC
    Error TRUNCATED TO 500 CHARS System.Exception ChilkatLog SendEmail DllDate

    Error:(TRUNCATED TO 500 CHARS): System.Exception: ChilkatLog: SendEmail: DllDate: Apr 14 2012 UnlockPrefix: ONYAKTMAILQ Username: DS000794:IWPD_301(harmonic) Architecture: Little Endian; 32-bit Language: .NET 4.0 recipients: TO: [email protected] totalCount: 1 --recipients renderToMime: createEmailForSending: xSigningAlg: sha1 Auto-generating Message-ID --createEmailForSending renderToMime: Elapsed time: 0 millisec

    Company:OnyakTech LLC - - [email protected]


    Logged By:OnyakTech Framework LogSystemMessage()

    Stack Trace: at OnyakTech.Axon.CampaignEngine.SMTP.SendFinalMail(EmailSendParameters emailParameters)

    Copyright:OnyakTech LLC., 2003-2018

    Error Type:System

    Error Message:(TRUNCATED TO 500 CHARS): ChilkatLog: SendEmail: DllDate: Apr 14 2012 UnlockPrefix: ONYAKTMAILQ Username: DS000794:IWPD_301(harmonic) Architecture: Little Endian; 32-bit Language: .NET 4.0 recipients: TO: [email protected] totalCount: 1 --recipients renderToMime: createEmailForSending: xSigningAlg: sha1 Auto-generating Message-ID --createEmailForSending renderToMime: Elapsed time: 0 millisec --renderToMime

    Server Name: DS000794


    New Member

    9/6/2018 3:28 AM
    [quote=Reto Cossalter;994]Hi Ty
    Are you using the HotCakes Mini Cart Module?
    This Module does nothing with PayPal. Klicking the link redirects you to the checkout cart.
    So it does not make sense to put this module on the checkout shopping cart page.

    Have you more information on your setup and maybe a error message from event log?

    New Member

    9/6/2018 3:30 AM
    Hello again;

    Here the the specific error but it is not detailed. Do I need to enable the application to give more details or is this sufficient? I am new to this app;

    09/06/2018 02:26:10
    Hotcakes Info
    Harmonic Energetics, LLC
    Severity Error Source Paypal Express Checkout Failed Message Specific Erro


    Source:Paypal Express Checkout Failed


    Specific Errors to follow

    Server Name: DS000794


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