I tested using the default views and the default workflows and I am experiencing the same issue. When looking at the cart controller on github I see the Checkout PaymentError Action checks the following: if (CurrentCart == null || CurrentCart.Items == null || CurrentCart.Items.Count == 0) { Response.Redirect(Url.RouteHccUrl(HccRoute.Cart)); } So by the time it gets the declined error on the card it has already placed the order and cleared out the cart, it then redirects me to the cart instead of the payment error page. I am on version 3.0.1 This is what I have for my LoadProcessNewOrderTasks (which is the only workflow step that happens before the Payment steps) I believe the only difference from the default is that I am doing a CustomDnnCreateUserAccountForNewCustomer step: return new Task[]{ new WorkflowNote("Starting Process Order Workflow"), new UpdateOrder(), new CheckForZeroDollarOrders(), new CustomDnnCreateUserAccountForNewCustomer(), new AssignOrderToUser(), new AssignOrderNumber(), new MakeOrderAddressUsersCurrentAddress(), new AddUserAddressesToAddressBook(), new UpdateLineItemsForSave(), new UpdateOrder(), new MakePlacedOrder(), new UpdateOrder(), new WorkflowNote("Finished Process Order Workflow"), new UpdateOrder(), };