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Last Post 2/26/2018 1:45 PM by  MooreCreative
View promotion codes used across orders
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New Member

11/29/2017 7:23 PM
    Hello, we are looking to determine how many times each promotion code has been used in a given time period. We are using Hotcakes version 1.10.4 Pro.

    At the level of an individual order, I can see promo code information via Order Manager > Order Details > (Codes Used area of the Payment Information section).

    How can we view this information across all orders, or across orders from a given time period? I tried using the Order Manager's "Export to Excel" feature, and the resulting spreadsheet includes columns labeled "Order Discount" and "Order Discount Details" however these seem to always show "$0.00" and "", respectively, even when a promotion code has been used resulting in a price discount.

    I also attempted a workaround, creating an email template (Admin > Email Templates) that includes the desired information, and using it via the Order Manager's "Print Selected Orders" feature. However, I'm unable to print more than one page of orders at a time that way (i.e., 20 orders).

    Is there a recommended way to achieve this?

    Thanks in advance for your advice,

    Veteran Member

    12/22/2017 2:44 PM
    It sounds like you may be able to simply use the Coupon Code report.


    Please update this if you need anything else.
    Will Strohl, Upendo Ventures Hotcakes Cloud | Get Support | Code Support Official Cloud & Support provider for Hotcakes

    Basic Member

    2/26/2018 1:45 PM
    Otherwise, as an alternative, we will often create a Reports screen for administrators where through XMod Pro, or other direct-to-the-database report modules, we setup a custom SQL query that gets specifically the data that you need. We can then combine in other data from the site such as other tracking information, user login info, etc.

    The other benefit to setting up externally like this is that, if the client needs to see that report regularly, we can setup a scheduled process to email the report data to them once a week/month, etc.
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