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Last Post 6/12/2018 4:44 AM by  Marnix Bouwman
Custom Tokens Email Templates
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Author Messages

4/26/2018 3:15 PM
    Is there a way to add DNN Profile fields in the email templates. We have some custom fields we need to include in that.


    4/30/2018 3:20 PM
    Any ideas on this?

    Veteran Member

    4/30/2018 5:52 PM
    Sorry that you didn't get an answer right away. If you have questions that require a guaranteed response, I'd suggest the On Premise SLA support plan, or the Developer Support Services plan if your questions will involve code.

    As for your question, it's surprisingly the first time I remember being asked that. Right now, you're unable to use the DNN tokens without employing a workaround. You'll need to override the e-mail(s) in question by removing their task from the order workflow, and then replace the task with your own, where you can do your own token replacement. Documentation for all of this is below.




    I've created a GitHub issue to have the DNN token engine integrated into the e-mail parsing in the future.
    Will Strohl, Upendo Ventures Hotcakes Cloud | Get Support | Code Support Official Cloud & Support provider for Hotcakes

    New Member

    6/12/2018 4:44 AM
    So, I tried to create a new workflow in which you can kind of override the e-mail.
    However, I noticed that this only works in the NEW order process.

    So when you send the order e-mail again from the backoffice, it completly ignores this workflow (I guess that is why it is called LoadProcess[b]New[/b]OrderAfterPaymentsTasks)

    But then again, you would expect the order e-mail would look the same everywhere, if it is new, or resent or whatever...

    So, my question I think is, what should I override to make sure the order [b]always[/b] uses the custom e-mail.
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