[quote=Adam Bernstein;208]If the issue now described in GitHub is solved, do you think it is likely that the solution would be applicable to 1.10.4, or only 3.X?[/quote]
Any new updates to the source code will only occur in the latest code base, which right now is version 3.0 and newer.
[quote=Adam Bernstein;208]You suggested addressing this in the meantime via code in the category view. It is the product viewer pages that are giving me trouble, so should I be looking at things like the ProductPageViewModel and perhaps CMS.Entities.Users.UserController.Instance.GetCurrentUserInfo()?[/quote]
Sorry... you should address this in whichever view has the issue. It's not uncommon to do role-checking in views for a various number of use cases. You'll find a simple example of this in the SO question below.
Will Strohl, Upendo Ventures
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