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Last Post 6/11/2020 3:44 AM by  Scippy
possible bug about Hotcakes Data folder
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6/11/2020 3:44 AM
    It is my habit to work on DNN by customizing the folders of the sites with the customer's name, in this way for example if I add a new DNN portal ID 3 for the Microsoft customer, he will have its site under HomeDirectory Portals/Microsoft (I rename it during the creation of the new portal)
    The problem is that HCC even if I use a different name for the home directory it create the Portals/3 folder to save all his data (products images, storelogo etc.) and so at the end I find two different folders for the same portal.
    I also note that the same thing does not happen for the HotcakesViews folder, it is indeed created in the correct folder Portals/Microsoft for the example above.
    I don't think this is correct, is it a bug?
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