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0 Replies and 680 Views and 0 Subscribers Product detail view on mobile  680  0  0 Started by  Jane The detail view of the products in mobile has two columns. This is ok for pc (and tablet too). However, the best would be that on mobile view everything is in one column, like title, then below main image, then after that description… Is there any instructions how to do this or maybe some template Thanks Jane
0 680 0
11/5/2020 8:29 AM
0 Replies and 676 Views and 1 Subscribers Hotcakes Commerce 3.5 Released!  676  0  1 Started by  Will Strohl You &91;i&93;batter&91;/i&93; watch out... We just published a new release of Hotcakes Commerce. 😉  https://hotcakescommerce.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360050966712-Release-03-05-00
0 676 1
10/23/2020 4:42 PM
0 Replies and 737 Views and 0 Subscribers How to assign pricing group in bulk/mass to hundreds of users at once?  737  0  0 Started by  rlinktomb Could someone help me by providing either the SQL query to use or point me at another way of being able to assign hundreds of users at once/quickly to a particular Price Group in hotcakes I do see that the pertinent field for this in User Profile is HccPricingGroupId. and in my testing I can see the GUID value for the price group that would need to be put into that HccPrcingGroupId field. I would like to not have to do this one by one for several hundreds of users. By the way I am also seein...
0 737 0
10/16/2020 11:35 AM
2 Replies and 914 Views and 1 Subscribers VAT Tax Calculations seem incorrect  914  2  1 Started by  Alex Pommier Hello Will, I've run into some odd numbers on the checkout screen when implementing the VAT rules in hotcakes back-end. From your doc's it states that the product prices should include the VAT amount, and the store will reverse-engineer the values based on the tax schedule's added into the back-end. I've tested this on the website we're having problems with that has some customizations to the checkout page & a clean hotcakes install on a separate DNN instance just to rule out any custom...
2 914 1
by  Alex PommierJump to last post
10/15/2020 9:31 AM
7 Replies and 2012 Views and 1 Subscribers Product view not loading  2012  7  1 Started by  mintblau media
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
I have set up the category page and the product page with the product viewer module. In the store settings page configuration I have set it to the corresponding page. When I click on the product in category view the system tries to load the product page but then redirects back to the Home Page for logged out users. In Admin mode it goes to the product page but the product does not get loaded. The Viewer stays empty. When I select a product manually in the product viewer module settings it does s...
7 2012 1
by  Will StrohlJump to last post
10/13/2020 12:19 PM
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