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1 Replies and 744 Views and 1 Subscribers MMMCommerce.com Pwd Reset BROKEN  744  1  1 Started by  Kenneth Courtney Hello, I signed into MMMCommerce.com with my Edge Chromium browser and fortunately it still retains my sign-in credentials in a cookie somewhere. However, for whatever reason I cannot recall the password I set. I have repeatedly tried to send a password reset email and using both Chromium Edge and Chrome I get redirected to the generic sign-in page. There is no option to enter my password. I have attempted to add Will Strohl as a friend and even tried to send him a message apparently that i...
1 744 1
by  Will StrohlJump to last post
3/12/2021 4:14 PM
1 Replies and 792 Views and 1 Subscribers DNN version requirements, and previous release downloads  792  1  1 Started by  Donald Hey, what version of DNN do I need This page https://hotcakescommerce.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/208028996-Installation-Cheat-Sheet says 7.2, but when I try to install in my DNN with 7.4 it won't let me. So I figured that text might be a bit outdated, so I wanted to try installing a previous version instead. I am probably just being very obtuse, but I am not able to find a place to download previous versions! I find the page on GitHub and I see the releases, but all I can see is t...
1 792 1
by  Will StrohlJump to last post
3/8/2021 6:08 PM
0 Replies and 676 Views and 0 Subscribers MMMCommerce.com Password Reset Page Broken  676  0  0 Started by  Kenneth Courtney I have repeatedly tried to use the password reset link sent by mmmcommerce.com on my phone, in Edge and Chrome. When I click the link it redirects me to the custom MMMCommerce login page w/o option to enter new password. Would the site admin send me a temporary password please
0 676 0
3/1/2021 11:52 AM
2 Replies and 947 Views and 0 Subscribers Checkout Page Error - ModuleLoadException  947  2  0 Started by  Phil Perlman Mysteriously, the following error started appearing in our logs for the checkout page. We haven't made any changes to the site is a month or more, and we are running DNN v9.8.0 and HC v3.5.0: &91;quote&93;Message:Error executing child request for handler 'System.Web.Mvc.HttpHandlerUtilServerExecuteHttpHandlerAsyncWrapper'. StackTrace: InnerMessage:Error executing child request for handler 'System.Web.Mvc.HttpHandlerUtilServerExecuteHttpHandlerAsyncWrapper'. InnerStackTrace: ...
2 947 0
by  Phil PerlmanJump to last post
2/26/2021 1:48 PM
2 Replies and 894 Views and 1 Subscribers Hotcakes Affiliate Registration Module  894  2  1 Started by  Bryan Hi all, we are running through setting this up for the first time and have followed the instructions here https://hotcakescommerce.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/211182303-Hotcakes-Affiliate-Registration-Module When a user adds their info to the registration module and clicks on 'register' then nothing happens. inspection of the the console shows an error &91;code=markup&93;VM127:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0 at parse () at Function.jQuery.par...
2 894 1
by  BryanJump to last post
2/18/2021 12:33 AM
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