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1 Replies and 1097 Views and 1 Subscribers Add Product Type Properties to Membership products  1097  1  1 Started by  gregb Is it possible to add Add Product Type Properties to Membership products
1 1097 1
by  Will StrohlJump to last post
12/19/2017 3:07 PM
1 Replies and 1125 Views and 0 Subscribers change VAT label to GST  1125  1  0 Started by  Martyn Cook In New Zealand we use gst. It is the same format as VAT but different label. HOw do I change the label 'VAT' to 'GST' in all areas cheers Martyn
1 1125 0
by  ScippyJump to last post
12/14/2017 1:01 PM
2 Replies and 1157 Views and 0 Subscribers Category/List/Cart view with slug URL's  1157  2  0 Started by  Aranka Hello, We are making a basic hotcakes webshop and we are seeing some problems with the category/list view and the Cart. We have one product where we can see the details of from the Cart Module. The url of this product is: &91;b&93;&91;url=http://rr.bondtest.nl/Product/OrderBvin/405d42cd-ef20-4881-be00-7874aa4a6416/LineItemId/16slug=Product3-(betcontent)&93;http://rr.bondtest.nl/Product/OrderBvin/405d42cd-ef20-4881-be00-7874aa4a6416/LineItemId/16slug=Product3-(betcontent)&91;/url&9...
2 1157 0
by  ArankaJump to last post
12/5/2017 4:43 AM
0 Replies and 922 Views and 0 Subscribers Subscription Management and Payments  922  0  0 Started by  nicogf Does this tool provide an easy setup for users to manage and pay for subscriptions Also, this is being sold on the DNN Store. Does it come in a format that is easily uploaded to DNN as a package, producing modules that are quickly dropped onto a page Thanks, Nic
0 922 0
11/30/2017 11:21 AM
1 Replies and 808 Views and 1 Subscribers Multiple Ship Location - Calculate Shipping Cost  808  1  1 Started by  Carl Brown Would like to know if this build in functionality. I have products from multiple locations and would like to calculate shipping to the purchasers address. So there will be multiple shipping from address from different products and would like to calculate the shipment via those address from shipping location to the purchasers location with the correct shipment cost, not from the base address only. Shipping cost calculated by multiple shipments from a single order.
1 808 1
by  Will StrohlJump to last post
11/21/2017 3:34 PM
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