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4 Replies and 1231 Views and 1 Subscribers Hotcakes Commerce version 03.02.01 Released  1231  4  1 Started by  Will Strohl We're excited to announce that Hotcakes Commerce version 03.02.01 is ready for you! Learn more about it in our blog announcement below. https://upendoventures.com/Blog/hotcakes-commerce-version-030201-is-full-of-community-and-support-driven-updates
4 1231 1
by  Will StrohlJump to last post
9/27/2018 1:38 PM
8 Replies and 2652 Views and 1 Subscribers Google Ecommerce Tracking  2652  8  1 Started by  Alex Mallet
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
Hi All, I have been trying to understand how much HotCakes supports Google Ecommerce Tracking. I have covered the basis in enabling Ecommerce Tracking in both Google Analytics and HotCakes. However I am still not getting any data flowing into Google Analytics. Must say that I have not filled in any information in HotCakes on the fields 'Google Store Name' and 'Google Category Name'. Are they required fields Because I don't really have a Google Store setup. Do I have to have a Google St...
8 2652 1
by  Rontgen4Jump to last post
9/24/2018 6:45 AM
2 Replies and 1530 Views and 1 Subscribers Search in HC Forum Broken?  1530  2  1 Started by  MooreCreative I'm not sure if it's my user being logged in or something particular to my case (I'll test further from different browsers and users), but when I'm searching here within the Hotcakes Commerce Community Forums, whether in the menu area quick search , or from the main Search Results screen, it returns 'No Results' for every word I search. I've made simple tests for words such as 'license' 'module' 'date' and other terms seen in titles and text in forum posts, so I'm positive that they should re...
2 1530 1
by  Will StrohlJump to last post
9/18/2018 1:32 PM
1 Replies and 1005 Views and 1 Subscribers Booking Engine  1005  1  1 Started by  BrentW Has the community any information on extending the Hotcakes ecommerce module to include bookings on a calendar, or events on or over specified dates and times
1 1005 1
by  Will StrohlJump to last post
8/31/2018 4:34 PM
2 Replies and 1029 Views and 0 Subscribers Catalogue only - email quote request  1029  2  0 Started by  BrentW Clients sometimes are apprehensive about going e-commerce. Is there an option to make Hotcakes ecommerce a catalogue only and then link the payment method to a quote request email template
2 1029 0
by  BrentWJump to last post
8/29/2018 7:48 AM
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