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3 Replies and 1424 Views and 1 Subscribers Hotcakes Commerce 03.02.02 Released  1424  3  1 Started by  Will Strohl We're very happy to announce that Hotcakes Commerce 03.02.02 has been released. Thank you to everyone that helped with this release! :) https://upendoventures.com/Blog/hotcakes-commerce-030202-is-here
3 1424 1
by  Will StrohlJump to last post
12/2/2019 5:43 PM
3 Replies and 1604 Views and 1 Subscribers Admin Notification for Custom Gateway  1604  3  1 Started by  Bryan hi all, pretty much as it says in the title, we have created a working custom payment method, except for the fact the store Admin is not receiving the email notifications when the order is successfully completed. It appears that the customer is receiving 2 email notification instead of just one, potentially they are receiving both the admin and the customer email, maybe If after the order complete I manually go into the view the order I can then trigger the 'Admin Order Receipt' that wor...
3 1604 1
by  Will StrohlJump to last post
10/19/2019 5:30 PM
3 Replies and 1489 Views and 0 Subscribers Download Sample Gift Card Gateway Project - download not working  1489  3  0 Started by  Bryan pretty uch as the title says, when trying to download any of the sample projects, I am being returend an AcessDenied message. see video https://www.loom.com/share/eec5de9e39c34431981d74af101abe04
3 1489 0
by  Reto CossalterJump to last post
10/17/2019 12:33 AM
4 Replies and 1352 Views and 1 Subscribers No detail product view after clean install on DNN9.2.2  1352  4  1 Started by  André Installed and configured Hotcakes. All well but adding a detailed page with the detailed view module, it shows nothing. The url has the product but the module does not show anything. If I configure the module to show a specific product it shows it without problem. What is wrong
4 1352 1
by  Will StrohlJump to last post
10/11/2019 4:28 PM
2 Replies and 1191 Views and 1 Subscribers What can we expect from Hotcakes future?  1191  2  1 Started by  Scippy Hi, I've notice that the latest Hotcakes release is dated on 25 Sep 2018. From the latest version to today I note that it's past a long time for an evolving project! Is the project going forward What future should we expect from Hotcakes
2 1191 1
by  ScippyJump to last post
9/24/2019 6:09 AM
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