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Last Post 11/2/2017 5:38 PM by  Shaun Walker
Release of Hotcakes V 3.0.1 Timeframe
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Basic Member

10/31/2017 4:36 PM
I'll have a chance to test an upgrade from an HCC2 instance and HCC1.10 instance this weekend using the latest version of the upgrade module files. I'm looking forward to it and will let everyone know how it goes!

New Member

11/2/2017 5:38 PM
@Adrian - I assume that in order to get it to work on DNN 9.1.1 you switched to using the Persona Bar - which basically means you lost all the integrated e-commerce functionality in the Hotcakes Control Panel?
Shaun Walker is a Practice Area Partner at Arrow Digital, LLC. He is also the original creator of DNN, the most widely adopted open source CMS on the Microsoft platform, and Chairman of the .NET Foundation Advisory Council.
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