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Last Post 11/2/2017 5:38 PM by  Shaun Walker
Release of Hotcakes V 3.0.1 Timeframe
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New Member

10/23/2017 11:36 AM
Hi Kurt, the minimum DNN version supported is 07.03.04 and the maximum DNN version supported is 8.0.3.
Shaun Walker is a Practice Area Partner at Arrow Digital, LLC. He is also the original creator of DNN, the most widely adopted open source CMS on the Microsoft platform, and Chairman of the .NET Foundation Advisory Council.

New Member

10/23/2017 11:38 AM
Hi Brian, are you saying that you had an existing installation which was running DNN 8.0.3 and Hotcakes 1.x, and you then tried to upgrade the Hotcakes module to version 3.0.1?
Shaun Walker is a Practice Area Partner at Arrow Digital, LLC. He is also the original creator of DNN, the most widely adopted open source CMS on the Microsoft platform, and Chairman of the .NET Foundation Advisory Council.

Basic Member

10/26/2017 2:28 PM
Thanks HCC team! Got it all working on the latest version of Evoq yesterday.

Evoq 9.1.1. Slight issue with MVC, but just needed mvc5 reference in web.config.

Basic Member

10/27/2017 6:34 AM
Hi Adrian,

Can you please share your experiences in using hcc 3.0.1 with evoq/dnn 9.0.1. Is this in a production website? Are you experiencing challenges and which ones?

Basic Member

10/27/2017 2:06 PM
It is a production box, seems to be working great so far. I havent noticed anything other than the initial install prompted and mvc issues on the cart pages solved by the above.

More to come soon, btw it is DNN/Evoq 9.1.1
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