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Last Post 11/2/2017 5:38 PM by  Shaun Walker
Release of Hotcakes V 3.0.1 Timeframe
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New Member

9/12/2017 7:47 PM
Hi I was just wondering if there were any more updates in respect to timeframe for the release of HCC v3.0.1? I ask this in similar vein to MooreCreative where I am just after info so we can more effectively set expectations with our clients.


Basic Member

9/12/2017 10:59 PM
[quote=Waldo;313]Hi I was just wondering if there were any more updates in respect to timeframe for the release of HCC v3.0.1? I ask this in similar vein to MooreCreative where I am just after info so we can more effectively set expectations with our clients.


YES, right there with you Waldo!

We burn through the patience of the end clients with answers like "soon" and "we'll let you know"
With the licensing issues that occurred, they're eager to get off of older versions that might have a license time-bomb ticking away inside of them.

I'm also cognizant that "in the month of August" and "next week" are perfectly good, well-intentioned answers too for timeline. Especially with the development structure in place. But anything that we can relay in terms of details or updates helps show there's a plan in action. So let us know what you can and, thank you

- Ryan

New Member

9/13/2017 1:08 PM
My apologies... I hate making excuses but my time has been preoccupied lately with moving from Vancouver to Florida and then ensuring my family's safety from hurricane Irma. I was finally able to get back to work today and if you take a look at the repositories on Github you will notice some significant changes as we prepare for the release today. I will be posting a blog outlining the product changes in this release which we hope will improve the stability, performance, and maintainability of Hotcakes.
Shaun Walker is a Practice Area Partner at Arrow Digital, LLC. He is also the original creator of DNN, the most widely adopted open source CMS on the Microsoft platform, and Chairman of the .NET Foundation Advisory Council.

New Member

9/14/2017 11:55 PM
Hi Shaun, hurricane Irma received worldwide coverage (even from down here in Australia). It was devastating from all reports I read.

I hope your familiy was safe. That takes precedence.


New Member

9/19/2017 10:11 AM
We packaged the 3.0.1 release last week and ran it through our QA process and discovered a couple of issues which need to be investigated. One of the issues ( slug appearing in Urls ) seems to have existed in the 3.0.0 release as well. Once we track down the root of the problem and assess the severity, we will communicate a timeline for the 3.0.1 release. We appreciate your patience.
Shaun Walker is a Practice Area Partner at Arrow Digital, LLC. He is also the original creator of DNN, the most widely adopted open source CMS on the Microsoft platform, and Chairman of the .NET Foundation Advisory Council.
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