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Last Post 11/2/2017 5:38 PM by  Shaun Walker
Release of Hotcakes V 3.0.1 Timeframe
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Basic Member

8/11/2017 1:40 PM
    I know that several of us are stuck in a limbo situation where we have older versions of D N N and yet still need to upgrade HotCakes to a newer version, or the newest 3x version.

    In the recent announcement on 7/19, it was mentioned that a HotCakes 3x Open Source - Module Package would be coming soon and might be released soon with the HC 3.0.1 release.

    It was implied that might be soon and I imagined the first or second week of August, but looking back, I didn't see where I got that date as an idea.

    Can someone post a rough timeframe? Of course, it's hard to hold to dates, but a ballpark would be good so that we can both plan timelines of updates and set expectations for dates with clients.

    Basic Member

    8/17/2017 6:24 PM
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    Hi All! No response yet on this thread so I thought I'd post some artwork and bump the post to the top of the list!

    Basic Member

    9/1/2017 8:02 PM
    So, with the structure changed now... am I going to the wrong place to chat and ask for information about release progress and ideas on timeline?

    Should we be watching GitHub? Should we email or message the members who are actively working on updates such as Shaun Walker or Scott Willhite? Should we reach out to members who were previously prominent in marketing, promotion and presence in the community like Will Strohl?

    To go from a month with several rocking (exciting) changes announced and a pattern set for more frequent communication (though by email) that we saw in July, August has come and gone and we've seen very little information or activity on the outside.

    Can we get an update? And if this forum isn't the correct platform/location for that type of information, can anyone help point us in the right direction?

    New Member

    9/1/2017 11:14 PM
    My apologies.... we have been busy testing the 3.0.1 CMS and Module packages during the month of August, which required some substantial changes to the project structure. The release is now scheduled for next week. We appreciate your patience.
    Shaun Walker is a Practice Area Partner at Arrow Digital, LLC. He is also the original creator of DNN, the most widely adopted open source CMS on the Microsoft platform, and Chairman of the .NET Foundation Advisory Council.

    Basic Member

    9/5/2017 2:24 PM
    [quote=Shaun Walker ;296]My apologies.... we have been busy testing the 3.0.1 CMS and Module packages during the month of August, which required some substantial changes to the project structure. The release is now scheduled for next week. We appreciate your patience. [/quote]

    Thanks Shaun for the update!

    Also, I'm posting the Quote from Will Strohl who replied in another thread:

    [quote]I thought we'd be able to have a package tested and ready for release by tomorrow, but we're missing a last critical check-in. I have the source that's going to be checked in, but I'm waiting for the person to officially check it in properly so I can package it the same way we always do, so as to avoid undesired surprises. So we may have to wait until the end of the week. Sorry.
    - Will[/quote]

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