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Last Post 6/16/2017 1:50 PM by  Will Strohl
Issues Executing SQL During Installation
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New Member

6/16/2017 9:12 AM
    The FAQ has "When you install and run Hotcakes Commerce, it’s a complete e-commerce CMS solution now, and not just e-commerce."
    NO where are any instructions available to as to to how to get the CMS to run the install SQL. I modified the web.config with a new blank DB & still get the message "This is embarrassing! It looks like you caught us in the middle of applying some updates. We'll be done soon. Please come Back in a few minutes."

    A normal DNN CMS ask for the Site INFO & DB, but IT IS MISSING in the install file '' a hour later checking the DB no tables have been added.

    Veteran Member

    6/16/2017 1:50 PM
    Hello Lee:

    I'm sorry that you ran into an issue installing. I'm not currently running into any installation issues that involve executing SQL scripts. There's a possibility that you grabbed an earlier package that had a rogue web.config file that somehow made it into the build process. This is documented in the Issues area below.

    I would suggest downloading the package over again and trying to install using the new one. You should also delete the original so you don't run into this again.
    Will Strohl, Upendo Ventures Hotcakes Cloud | Get Support | Code Support Official Cloud & Support provider for Hotcakes
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