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3 Replies and 1243 Views and 1 Subscribers Translation of ADPIP IntegrationResult  1243  3  1 Started by  Reto Cossalter Hi Does anyone know if there's an easy/integrated way to localize messages returned from an Action Delegate Pipeline Integration Project Regards Reto
3 1243 1
by  Will StrohlJump to last post
6/9/2018 2:30 PM
3 Replies and 2039 Views and 1 Subscribers How to save shopping cart items in the database  2039  3  1 Started by  Makhidi M Hi all, Can I change\add new options to the 'Save Shopping Cart To' under Admin>Orders. I want save shopping cart items in the database, can any one show me how do this or link to resources Thanks
3 2039 1
by  Will StrohlJump to last post
5/30/2018 8:44 PM
0 Replies and 1028 Views and 0 Subscribers Categories on search results  1028  0  0 Started by  Makhidi M Hi all, Currently the HC search module only search products. Is possible search also categories and include to search results Many thanks
0 1028 0
5/23/2018 7:06 AM
0 Replies and 996 Views and 0 Subscribers ADPIP CartIntegration not triggered  996  0  0 Started by  Reto Cossalter Hi When we go directly to checkout (skip cart) from Hotcakes Mini Cart, the &91;i&93;BeforeProceedToCheckout&91;/i&93; Event is not triggered. So any check that has to be done when on cart view has to be re-done in &91;i&93;BeforeCheckoutCompleted&91;/i&93; Is this the expected behaviour (I could live with that) or a bug (then I would log an issue in github) Reason: I want to check if the minimum order amount is larger before proceeding the payment. See: https://mmmcommerce.com/...
0 996 0
5/17/2018 8:36 AM
1 Replies and 1098 Views and 1 Subscribers Access to custom Order properties from PaymentGateway  1098  1  1 Started by  Pure Systems Hi, using HC 1.8.7. We have an issue where by an occasional order has a status of paid when in fact it hasn't been paid for so our workflow tasks are processing the order based on the status. We can't find a reason for this, it's not hitting the payment gateway so something is going wrong before that but it's only about once in 100 transactions. So we wanted to set a custom order property from the PaymentGateway code like so: var order = HccApp.OrderServices.Orders.FindForCurrentStore(b...
1 1098 1
by  Will StrohlJump to last post
5/15/2018 12:24 PM
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