The updates that need to be made will all need to be listed, as they're not currently centralized anywhere to simply pass on to anyone to work on. On a high level, we know that there are potentially some code updates to prevent compatibility errors, and there is a major UX issue. Neither would be trivial to resolve.
There have been a handful of potential errors reported by those who have attempted to upgrade and/or install Hotcakes on version 9.xx of the previous CMS. However, none of those errors have been researched and validated to be caused by Hotcakes itself, or another variable. So someone would need to install and upgrade Hotcakes on a clean instance of the CMS, and test all of the backend and frontend views to see if any errors can be created. If any are found, they should be logged in the appropriate GitHub repo. The UX issue could potentially be far more complicated. Version 9.xx of the CMS changes the UX paradigm in a way that's incompatible with prior versions of the CMS. Any extension vendor that in any way relied on the previous Control Panel is required to completely rethink the way they were presenting their dashboard experiences and/or admin/host menu items. There are no formal requirements on how to address this with CMS 9.xx, since there were previously never any plans to address the compatibility issues.
In both scenarios, issues should be created in GitHub, and we can more formally discuss which updates to make and how to make them there.
Will Strohl, Upendo Ventures
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