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Last Post 9/27/2018 1:54 PM by  Will Strohl
Contributing to HCC
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New Member

9/25/2018 4:24 PM
    I’m having a bit of trouble with GitHub. I forked the repository to my own account. I created a branch from my local repo development branch called Issues/issue-166 and made my changes. It seems to be linked with the HotcakesCommerce/hotcakes-commercore/development branch. From the documentation it sounds like somehow I need to create a new branch in the primary Hotcakes repo in order to create a pull request against that branch so that the code can be review and merged into the primary development branch. Is that correct? I’m not sure how to create that issues branch in the main Hotcakes codebase.

    It doesn’t seem like I’m supposed to create the pull request against the main development branch, correct? Thanks in advance.

    Veteran Member

    9/27/2018 1:44 PM
    First, [b]HUGE[/b] thanks for contributing to the Hotcakes Commerce solution!

    Next, it sounds like you've begun this correctly. You don't need to create a branch in the Hotcakes repo. That's only something a "contributor" in GitHub would do. Instead, you work off of your own fork of the repo, in your own branches. The branches are necessary to prevent various kinds of snafus and other inconsistencies.

    Here's a summary of the steps:

    [*] Create a fork of the repo in GitHub. This will create a copy of Hotcakes in your own GitHub account.
    [*] Check-out the code into your own local environment.
    [*] Make sure to set both your own origin (your fork of the solution), and an upstream (the primary Hotcakes solution).
    [*] Create a branch locally and make your updates. (Your branch name of "Issues/issue-166" is [u]perfect[/u]!)
    [*] Be sure to save your commits and push into origin as regularly as you need to.
    [*] Once your updates are complete (and tested), create a pull request from your repo and branch, to the Hotcakes development branch.
    [*] We'll take it from there! :)

    I hope this helps.
    Will Strohl, Upendo Ventures Hotcakes Cloud | Get Support | Code Support Official Cloud & Support provider for Hotcakes

    New Member

    9/27/2018 1:50 PM
    Thanks Will. Sounds like I have everything correct. The only thing which didn't make sense from the documentation, which you have clarified, is that I create the the Pull Request from my Repo and Branch against the HCC Development branch.

    Thanks, I'll be submitting my PR soon!

    Veteran Member

    9/27/2018 1:54 PM
    Will Strohl, Upendo Ventures Hotcakes Cloud | Get Support | Code Support Official Cloud & Support provider for Hotcakes
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