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1 Replies and 1350 Views and 0 Subscribers Discount Amount not display at product detail & category page  1350  1  0 Started by  3ART Technologies Dear All, I saw the previous post related to similar subject but at the end the initiator have different requirements. I am unable to view the discounted price under the category and product page please check the below screen shot to understand it &91;img&93;https://i.ibb.co/FhZk6bW/01.png&91;/img&93; &91;img&93;https://i.ibb.co/qjsHbbG/02.png&91;/img&93; &91;img&93;https://i.ibb.co/6s6xgpb/03.png&91;/img&93; Looking forward for your response
1 1350 0
by  3ART TechnologiesJump to last post
7/6/2019 9:15 AM
10 Replies and 3698 Views and 0 Subscribers Show Discount Price  3698  10  0 Started by  Damian Black
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 3 )
Hi guys, Wanting to be able to show discount prices on products on both the product category pages and the product details page, currently it shows the full price and it is not till you go to the cart/checkout that you see the discounted price via promotions. Would really like to have the same functionality as WooCommerce where site price has a strikethrough and the Promotional price is shown with the savings, ie: 20 discount.
10 3698 0
by  3ART TechnologiesJump to last post
7/6/2019 6:24 AM
7 Replies and 2880 Views and 1 Subscribers Latest addition module?  2880  7  1 Started by  Donald Johansson
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Which module do I use to display the most recently added products to my store I don't see any option for it in any module,. but I might be looking in the wrong place. I haven't really looked much into the details of the content column and block functionality. Is that what I need to use Thank you, Donald :)
7 2880 1
by  Reto CossalterJump to last post
8/16/2018 5:43 AM
3 Replies and 1828 Views and 1 Subscribers Review Images  1828  3  1 Started by  Nina I've got a store using a theme which I've copied and customised because even though reviews is turned off, it perpetually displays the review stars. Any idea I did create a bit of a hack and remove via CSS but I think that in reality the most ideal situation would be that when it's turned off, and if cache is cleared and app pool is restarted, it should be there any longer. thank you Nina
3 1828 1
by  Will StrohlJump to last post
3/19/2018 3:50 PM
4 Replies and 2096 Views and 1 Subscribers Viewsets seems to be a great solution for designer!  2096  4  1 Started by  Scippy Viewsets seems to be a great solution! The separation of design made by Viewsets is the way to build many visualization solutions for any design company. I tried to download the 'Responsive Viewset' and the 'Social Spokes Viewset' but with Hotcakes Commerce 3.0.1 they do not work. No one has packages to try in their Commerce Hotcakes Any design company sell some Viewset solution Thanks
4 2096 1
by  Will StrohlJump to last post
12/21/2017 2:40 PM
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