The E-Commerce Column

ITX is Apparently an Abbreviation for Long-Lasting Client Success

Hotcakes Commerce Partner:  ITX

I recently had the pleasure of speaking with the president of ITX Corp, a world-wide team of over 100 digital experience professionals.  ITX has been one of our partners for a while now, and they boast an impressive client list overall, including one of my personal favorites, Simon Sinek.  In addition to being the president of the company, Fred Beer is also a partner at ITX, an impressive company that started in Rochester, NY way back in 1997.  We really enjoy working with ITX on every project, because they have a similar outlook on clients as we do.  Fred himself mentioned that their goal is to create 100-year relationships with their clients.  I rarely hear a statement from any company as powerful as that.

Fred Beer, President, ITX Corp“We value integrity and transparency, and do our best to make every interaction a smooth journey for the client.”

Fred Beer
President, ITX Corp

When it comes to ITX, they take the work they do seriously, while managing to have fun along the way.  If you follow them on Instagram, you might see a BBQ pic, team gathering, or client event that might make you jealous you’re not there to enjoy the experience too.  ITX is all about the experience – whether it’s fun for the team, or the digital experience for their clients.

Fred took a moment to expand on the importance of the experience, “It is experiences that differentiate you and your store. Just having products for sale is table stakes today. To increase your margins and competitive advantage you need to have experiences.”  He was highlighting this as the primary reason he loves e-commerce, and we couldn’t agree more.  We love being able to empower companies like ITX, people like Fred, and all of our clients to be able to provide those experiences to customers.

ITX works together with all of their clients to solve challenging technology problems to help clients move, touch, and inspire the world.  In the early stages of each project, they make sure to begin with a mobile-first approach.  They also have a strong focus on data analysis, and then continually innovate the experiences in the store, in an effort to create brand advocates.  This is incredibly powerful.  When it comes to sales specifically, they focus on the sales funnel, managing it, and keeping track of conversion rates.  It’s almost as if we read their minds and built version 2.0 specifically for them.  This results in successful clients, and that’s what it’s all about.

It’s amazing to think about the potential of any client’s online store when you think about it from Fred’s perspective, but how do they do it?  How do they manage to duplicate client success over and over?  He used an analogy that I think we can all relate to, the Justice League.  It’s a team effort.

“The power of people to come together and use their strengths to create something that none of them could do alone – that is a superpower that is real.”

Fred Beer
President, ITX Corp

What does a person who is so laser-focused on client success do in his spare time though?  Well, if he can manage to find any time that isn’t already taken by his family and work, you might find yourself trying to beat him to the finish line in a triathlon or on a running trail.  Though, if he found himself wanting to open his own online store, you might be buying problem-solving and ideation tools to help generate ideas and grow teams.  You wouldn’t be surprised by this either, when you hear him say things like, “The work I do is helping inspire people every day.”  His passion truly is in making each success a team effort, and as a result, that’s what you get from the entire ITX Corp team.

About the Author

Will StrohlWill Strohl

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