The E-Commerce Column


Hotcakes Just Got a Little Sweeter!

You asked and we answered! Hotcakes Commerce is proud to announce its latest version. We asked you to tell us the features that were most important to your business and we incorporated your responses into Hotcakes Commerce 1.2. See what we came up! Don’t worry, there are plenty more to come. If there is something that you really want, please suggest it to us.


User Supplied Price

· A merchant can add products to the catalog that requires the customer to enter how much they want to pay for the product.  For an example, the store could allow customers to make donations for any amount

· Merchant can customize the text that is displayed next to the price input field

Payment Provider Extensibility

· A merchant can add and configure other payment providers / gateways in addition to the ones that are built in to Hotcakes

· OGONE and Beanstream payment providers have been added

Search Facets

· Parent and child relationships for product categories are displayed

Product Import

· Fix - Images are now imported

· Manufacturers, Vendors, and Categories are created by the import process if they do not already exist in the store and associated with the imported products – unrecognized names were previously ignored.

· Values for Product Type Properties can be imported


· EU VAT rules are supported by the store in addition to US Style tax rules

Export Orders

· Complete order details can be exported to a Microsoft Excel file via the Admin interface

Order Checkout

· An order confirmation step has been added to the checkout process to avoid orders being placed accidentally


Updated Views / Layouts

· Payment Methods

· Avalara Configuration

· Tax Schedule

· Edit Product

About the Author

Will StrohlWill Strohl

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