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Last Post 7/11/2017 1:24 PM by  Will Strohl
SQL Server 2012 Installation Issues
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New Member

6/14/2017 1:42 PM
I can guarantee that there was never a previous version of SQL installed on my server. I have SQL 2012 Standard installed on a VM of 2012 Server Data Center edition.

Basic Member

7/5/2017 9:23 PM
I have verified I am running SQL Server 2012 build ver 11.00.6248

According to the install method run it appears to be incorrectly flagging build ver 11 as 2010 in the case statement. Version 11 should be 2012 and valid.

namespace DotNetNuke.Services.Upgrade.Internals
    internal class InstallControllerImpl : IInstallController
public bool IsValidSqlServerVersion(string connectionString)
	//todo: check if we can use globals.DatabaseEngineVersion instead

	bool isValidVersion = false;
	var sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);

		string serverVersion = sqlConnection.ServerVersion;
		if (serverVersion != null)
			string[] serverVersionDetails = serverVersion.Split(new[] {"."}, StringSplitOptions.None);

			int versionNumber = int.Parse(serverVersionDetails[0]);

			switch (versionNumber)
				case 8:
					//sql 2000
				case 9:
					//sql 2005
				case 10:
					//sql 2008
				case 11:
					//sql 2010
				case 12:
					//sql 2012
					isValidVersion = true;
					//covers unknown versions and later releases
					isValidVersion = true;
	catch (Exception)
		//cannot connect with the details
		isValidVersion = false;
	return isValidVersion;

See issue tracked:

Veteran Member

7/7/2017 6:58 PM
Hey Adrian:

I noticed the pull request and it looked good. I expect for us to accept it soon. I'll be looking at all GitHub activity next week. Thank you for submitting it! :)

Side Note: Please make sure you update your profile to include your GitHub information so you can get community points here for the submission.
Will Strohl, Upendo Ventures Hotcakes Cloud | Get Support | Code Support Official Cloud & Support provider for Hotcakes

Basic Member

7/7/2017 8:58 PM
It didn't let me update it, it says something about the display name already in use.

Have a great weekend, cheers!

Veteran Member

7/11/2017 1:24 PM
[quote=Adrian;138]It didn't let me update it, it says something about the display name already in use.

Have a great weekend, cheers![/quote]

Thanks for letting me know Adrian. Could you please post more details about this in the other thread where we're already discussing that specific error message?
Will Strohl, Upendo Ventures Hotcakes Cloud | Get Support | Code Support Official Cloud & Support provider for Hotcakes
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